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Building a Foundation of Trust
Since 2003

Why Should You Choose Structured Foundation Repairs?

Structured Foundation Repairs specializes in the repair of slab and pier and beam foundations for residential and commercial properties in Dallas Texas, Fort Worth Texas and the surrounding area. We also perform drainage correction and do mudjacking. We provide free, comprehensive initial evaluations, including elevation surveys, and only recommend repairs when we believe that they are actually needed. We’re fully insured, and our piers come backed by a true lifetime transferable warranty. We provide the highest level of service in the industry and we use some of the most advanced foundation repair techniques available. Give Structured Foundation a call today to learn more about our services.

We Always Keep Our Customers in Mind

At Structured Foundation Repairs, we recognize that providing the highest level of service to our customers has been the key to our success. That level of service starts with our initial contact when we conveniently schedule one of our structural analysts to inspect your foundation. The analyst will explain in detail that foundation evaluations are based on the physical signs of foundation problems (brick mortar cracks, sheetrock cracks, doors out of square, etc.) and an elevation survey. Sometimes, there are signs of previous foundation repairs. All of that information is used to determine if there are foundation issues or not. If repairs are warranted, they can be scheduled as quickly as circumstances allow. We work with local licensed engineers to make sure all repair plans are appropriate and are completed in a workmanlike manner. Most repairs can even be completed in just one day.

Our Motto Is
“Do the Right Thing”

large beautiful home

Our Success Has Been a Result of Providing the Highest Level of Service to Insure the Total Satisfaction of Our Customers

The satisfaction of our customers has always been our ultimate goal. Dealing with foundation failure or drainage problems can be stressful. Our process is designed to help our customers navigate through the repair of structural issues as stress-free as possible. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or just a homeowner who needs some repairs, Structured Foundation Repairs is here to help. Our team of 12 structural analysts average about 9 years of experience evaluating foundations in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.


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Structured Foundation Repairs partners with third parties to offer financing (with approved credit). Whether you are looking for a short term solution with little or no interest or a longer term solution with payments, our third-party lender has plans available. You can either call our office or click one of the links below to apply. The application process is easy and the decision is usually immediate.

Financing Options from GreenSky a Goldman Sachs Company
Finance Your Project
Plan 2511
Plan 9992
Plan 2832
Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is a registered trademark of GreenSky, LLC, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156.

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Type of Foundation