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A structural engineer creates an inspection report in Dallas - Fort Worth, TX

Foundation Evaluations and Recommended Repairs Are Opinion Based

When you are concerned that your home may need foundation work, your repair process will start with a comprehensive analysis. At Structured Foundation Repairs, we offer free evaluations for all of our clients. When you contact our office and schedule an evaluation, we will send one of our evaluators out to visit your property. Foundation evaluations and recommended repairs are always opinion based. In order to come up with a logical plan of repair, the analyst will do a visual inspection looking for signs of stress, including but not limited to brick cracks, sheetrock cracks, door and window separations, etc. He will then take a full set of floor elevations using state of the art equipment. After the evaluation process has been completed, he will determine if repairs are needed. If so, he will leave a written estimate with you at the time of evaluation. He can also call the office to expedite scheduling the repairs.

To schedule your free foundation analysis today, contact Structured Foundation Repairs by calling 972-484-1200. We are proud to serve the Dallas and Ft. Worth areas with expert foundation repair and drainage correction services. To learn more about how we can help you repair your slab or pier and beam foundation, be sure to visit our website.