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A drainage system is being installed in a Dallas - Fort Worth, TX yard

A Homeowner’s Guide to French Drains

French drains aren’t actually French—they are named after Henry French, who created this type of drainage system in the 1800s for use on farms. French drains are usually a part of drainage correction systems because they provide a reliable way to divert water away from a home and prevent moisture-related problems:

What Are French Drains?

French drains typically consist of a few relatively simple parts: gravel, sand, landscaping fabric, and weeping tile. A weeping tile is a pipe with perforations along its length. The system is installed by nestling the weeping tile in a layer of gravel, covering it with additional gravel, and encasing it with landscaping fabric, which prevents plant growth from entering the pipe.

How Do French Drains Work?

A French drain provides an easy path for water to flow away from your home, and it is sloped at a gentle grade to encourage water diversion. The gravel in the system helps the waterfall directly into the pipe and keeps dirt from clogging the holes. This allows moisture to be actively collected and directed away from your foundation.

Why Are French Drains Installed?

French drains are usually included as a part of a drainage correction system. By keeping water away from your home, you can protect the integrity of your foundation. Moisture problems can affect expansive soils and cause normal soil to expand and contract unpredictably, which puts stress on your foundation. This can eventually result in settling, heaving, or other foundation problems.

Structured Foundation Repairs, Inc. uses French drains and other systems to manage moisture around your property and address foundation issues. Visit our website to learn more about foundation repairs and drainage correction, or contact us at 972-484-1200 to schedule a consultation. We can analyze your property and determine if a French drain is an ideal solution for you.